Mutual Coupling Reduction in CBS Antenna Arrays by Utilizing Tuned EM-EBG and Non-planar Ground Plane
CBS antennas array, EM-EBG, High Impedance Surface (HIS), mutual coupling, phase center of antennas摘要
Radiation surface wave (surface current) on ground plane has a destructive effect on the characteristics of antennas which benefits from a common ground plane, especially Cavity Backed Slot (CBS) antennas. Surface current increases mutual coupling in an antenna array. This in turn causes unwanted characteristics in array applications. The main goal of this work is to design a new modified antenna array achieving less mutual coupling by reshaping ground plane and using tuned Elongated Mushroom Electromagnetic Band Gap (EM-EBG). Moreover, in this study, we focus on the influence of changing depth of EM-EBG holes. In this regard, four different designs for CBS antenna arrays are investigated. The results reveals that by using two new methods, namely stepped ground plane and tuned EMEBG, mutual coupling will be decreased by more than 9 dB. Decrement of mutual coupling improve radiation characteristic of array such as Front to Back Ratio (FBR) by 8 dB. The effectiveness of our design is confirmed by experimental results.
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