Analytical Solution for Line Source Excitation of a PEMC Cylinder Coated with Multilayer Anisotropic Media
Line source, multilayer structures, perfect electromagnetic conductor, scattering RCS, special materials/anisotropic摘要
An analytical solution is presented for line source excitation of a cylinder with perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) core which is coated with multilayer anisotropic materials. Exact solution is presented using analytical relations for scattering from cylindrical structures. For multilayer structures, we have to calculate the inverse of a matrix which is sparse, thus, we use recursive relations to calculate the fields. A recursive relation for solving the problem with PEMC boundary condition is presented. Finally, some examples are given using this method and the results are compared and validated with the simulation results and other works. The advantage of analytical relation proposed in this paper is much less run time compared to numerical simulation.
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