Evaluation of E-Field Distribution and Human Exposure for a LTE Femtocell in an Office


  • Hsing-Yi Chen Department of Communications Engineering Yuan Ze University, Chung-Li, Taoyuan, 32003, Taiwan
  • Shu-Huan Wen Department of Communications Engineering Yuan Ze University, Chung-Li, Taoyuan, 32003, Taiwan


Electric field, femtocell, LTE, RF exposure, SAR


Firstly, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method was used to calculate electric fields emitted from a long-term evolution (LTE) femtocell placed at the left-hand side of an empty office at frequencies of 700, 860, 1990, and 2600 MHz. After validating the accuracy of the FDTD method, the FDTD method was used to calculate electric field distributions inside the office, with and without the presence of 20 people and furniture for the LTE femtocell placed near the center of a horizontal plane with a distance of 1.0 m from the ceiling and transmitting a power of 10 dBm. Simulated electric fields at most of the locations on the horizontal plane with a height of 1.0 m above the floor for the office with and without the presence of 20 people and furniture are found in the range of -10 to -30 dBV/m, which means a good signal will be picked up in the office. The maximum power density emitted from the LTE inside the office and maximum localized SAR induced in a standing person are far below the ANSI/IEEE safety standard for public exposure in uncontrolled environments.




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