Stochastic Radiation Model for Cable Bundle with Random Wires


  • Jin Jia Chongqing CAERI Quality Inspection and Authentication Center Co. Ltd. China Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing, 401122, China
  • Zhida Lai Chongqing CAERI Quality Inspection and Authentication Center Co. Ltd. China Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing, 401122, China
  • Jianmei Lei Chongqing CAERI Quality Inspection and Authentication Center Co. Ltd. China Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing, 401122, China
  • Quandi Wang State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China


Cable bundle, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Common-Mode (CM) current, radiation, statistics, stochastic-model


Cable bundle is often the main radiation structure due to its length in automotive electrical or electronic systems. Random wire positions in a cable bundle is a challenge for the modeling in perspective of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). This work addresses the uncertainty property of a cable bundle due to its random wire positions, through a stochastic-model approach. Random wire position distributions in a bundle adopt Gaussian norm. A spline interpolate function is used to improve the continuity of wires along the bundle. To calculate the common-mode (CM) current on the bundle, the composed non-uniform wires are modeled by cascaded uniform segments or Chebyshev Expansion Method based smooth lines. Further CM current based bundle radiation is calculated using electric-dipole model. Proposed modeling methodology is assessed by comparing CM current and radiation predictions versus measurement data and theoretical results. Predictions agree well with measurements especially in statistics.




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