Microstrip Fed Multiband Hybrid Fractal Antenna for Wireless Applications
FR4, hybrid fractal,, IFS multiband摘要
A hybrid fractal multiband antenna is designed by integrating Koch curve and meander antenna. Scripting method (*.vbs) is adopted to obtain the hybrid fractal structure using IFS and MATLAB. Final structure is obtained by perturbing the reference fractal shape. Proposed antenna exhibits multiband characteristics capable of operating in four different wireless frequency bands including very popular Bluetooth (2.4 GHz), WiMAX (3.4-3.7 GHz), WLAN 802.11 a/b/g (5.3-6.1 GHz) and Aeronautical radionavigation (8.68-9.05GHz). The antenna has a planar structure, compact size of 39 mm × 32 mm × 1.58 mm and is suitable for wireless applications. Prototype of the proposed structure is developed on easily available and low cost FR4 substrate. The antenna has acceptable values of return loss, VSWR and gain. Measured characteristics are in good agreement with the simulated one.
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