Design of an Efficient Triple Band RF Energy Harvester


  • Yunus Uzun Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Aksaray University, Aksaray, 68100, Turkey


Efficiency, impedance matching, RF energy harvester, triple band, voltage multiplier


In this paper, a new triple band RF energy harvester, considering all the influential parameters, is designed by using Advanced Design System (ADS) simulation software. The most important problem in the RF energy harvesters is low system efficiency. Another problem is that these circuits work on narrow RF bands. The proposed design is found to be much efficient with its current form and provide broadband working frequencies. The output power values and efficiencies of each circuit have been obtained from the software by varying input RF power, load resistance and the number of stages in voltage multiplier at DTV 575 MHz, GSM 900 MHz and WiFi 2.45 GHz frequencies. Thereby a triple band RF energy harvester is proposed for higher efficiency. The system efficiencies for this input power level are obtained about 55% at 575 MHz, 45% at 900 MHz, 30% at 2.45 GHz. The average efficiency is found to be 43% for the individual systems. However, the system efficiency is 68% in the proposed triple band RF energy harvester. This corresponds to an increase rate of 58% for the efficiency. Furthermore, thanks to the proposed RF energy harvester, the efficiencies are increased significantly in cases which only one or two RF signals exist.




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