UWB Monopole Antenna with Switchable Band-Notch Characteristic Using a Novel MEMS Afloat


  • Arash Nemati Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Mazandaran, Iran
  • Bahram A. Ganji Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Mazandaran, Iran


MEMS U-shaped afloat, switchable band notch, UWB antenna


In this paper, a novel microelectro-mechanical system (MEMS) U-shaped afloat is designed and used instead of a simple slot to activate and deactivate the band notch characteristic of an ultra wideband (UWB) monopole antenna at the WLAN band (5.15-5.825 GHz) without extra DC bias lines. The novelty of this work is design of MEMS afloat that can stay in down state permanently. When the dc actuation voltage, about 20 volts, is applied to the microstrip center line, the ?/2 long U-shaped afloat moves down and creates a slot (resonating element) in its vacant place. Whereas no voltage is applied, the afloat remains in the up position and serves as a part of the antenna, which eliminates the resonance. The proposed design for MEMS afloat has least negative effect on gain, reflection coefficient, and pattern of the antenna. The gain of the antenna is about 3.2 dBi over the entire UWB frequency band (3.1-10.6 GHz), while it decreases sharply over 7 dB at the rejection band. More-over, the time-domain characteristics of the antenna is investigated, which shows 1 ns delay over the UWB frequency band for 20 cm. Due to a novel afloat design, the addition of the resonance element does not affect on the radiation performance, reflection coefficient, gain, and group delay of the antenna outside of notched band frequencies.




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