Miniaturized LTCC Bandpass Filter with Harmonic Supression
Harmonic suppression, LTCC, spurline, transmission zero摘要
This paper presents a harmonicsuppressed bandpass filter using a 3-dimensional (3-D) half-wavelength transmission line resonator, which is fabricated using low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) technology. Owing to the distributed-element method in this 3-D design, the spurlines can be easily etched on the coupled feed lines to generate an extra transmission zero in the stopband without enlarging the circuit size. As a result, the second harmonic can be rejected to a great extent. For demonstration, a pair of two-order LTCC bandpass filters centered at 2.45 GHz with/without spurlines are designed using the compact 3-D resonator, and the size of the circuits is only 4.4×4.2×1.6 mm3
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