An Integral Equation-Based Approach to Analyzing Symmetrical Electromagnetic Models Through Decomposition and Recomposition of Excitation Vectors


  • Jianxun Su Department of Information Engineering Communication University of China, Beijing, 100024, China
  • Zhengrui Li Department of Information Engineering Communication University of China, Beijing, 100024, China
  • Yaoqing (Lamar) Yang Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE, 68182, USA
  • Guizhen Lu Department of Information Engineering Communication University of China, Beijing, 100024, China


Integral equation, recomposition, symmetry model, vector decomposition


In this paper, an Integral Equationbased Simplification Method (IE-SM) is presented for the efficient analysis of the symmetrical electromagnetic model. The proposed approach stems from the decomposition and recomposition of any arbitrary excitation sources into a set of independent vectors which induce a symmetrical current distribution. Compared to the Conventional Integral Equation (CIE) method for modeling an entire structure, this simplification method not only saves computation resources and time by reducing the number of unknowns, but also maintains the computation accuracy. In addition, this method has a simple integral equation formulation, so it can be easily accelerated with fast algorithms and integrated into the existing Method of Moments (MoM) codes. Numerical examples show that the proposed method demonstrates both satisfactory accuracy and efficiency with less computational complexity.




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