An Overview of Equivalent Circuit Modeling Techniques of Frequency Selective Surfaces and Metasurfaces


  • Filippo Costa Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione University of Pisa, Pisa, 56122, Italy
  • Agostino Monorchio Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione University of Pisa, Pisa, 56122, Italy
  • Giuliano Manara Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione University of Pisa, Pisa, 56122, Italy


Equivalent circuit model, frequency selective surfaces, periodic gratings


Circuit analysis of frequency selective surfaces is reviewed with the aim to underline range of validity of different models and their advantages in terms of simplicity and physical insight. The circuit approach is based on an equivalent representation of the FSSs with series or shunt connections of inductances and capacitances. Dense non-resonant periodic surfaces (i.e.: grid or patch arrays) can be analyzed analytically by computing the values of inductors or capacitors via the homogenization theory. As the lattice period increases with respect to the operating wavelength or the element shape becomes resonant, a fully analytical circuital approach fails, in particular, in the presence of thin substrates. However, simple circuit approaches can still be employed by deriving lumped parameters values via a quick pre-processing and then generalizing them. The results are accurate up to the resonant frequency region of the element. By including an additional lumped element it is possible, taking into account the effect of the first high order Floquet harmonic. The multi-mode formulation is also able to catch the highly nonlinear response of FSS screens in the grating lobe region provided that the current profile of the element does not change significantly.




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