An Improved Combination of IE-ODDM and MLFMA


  • Jun Hu School of Electronic and Optical Engineering Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, 210094, China , State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China


Improved combined method, method of moments, multilevel fast multipole algorithm, overlapped domain decomposition method of integral equations


Domain decomposition methods are efficient for analyzing scattering problems with large-scale structures. In the present paper, an improved combination of Overlapped Domain Decomposition Method of Integral Equations (IEODDM) and Multilevel Fast Multi-pole Algorithm (MLFMA) is developed. Amount of independent MLFMA progresses of sub-domains are departed and re-integrated, such that the total CPU time of coupled effects in IE-ODDM can be saved. The proposed method developed minimal-completed sub-trees of sub-domains to reduce redundant aggregations of the MLFMA process blended in IEODDM. Numerical results and comparisons with the original method are provided, which suggest that the proposed combination integrates MLFMA with IE-ODDM better than the original combined method, and it can greatly improve the computational efficiency of coupled effects in IEODDM.




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