Investigation and FDTD Analysis of UWB Microstrip Antenna with Dual Narrow Band-Notched Characteristic


  • Nasser Ojaroudi Young Researchers and Elite Club Islamic Azad University, Ardabil Branch, Ardabil, Iran
  • Mehdi Mehranpour Young Researchers and Elite Club Islamic Azad University, Ardabil Branch, Ardabil, Iran
  • Yasser Ojaroudi Young Researchers and Elite Club Islamic Azad University, Germi Branch, Germi, Iran
  • Sajjad Ojaroudi Young Researchers and Elite Club Islamic Azad University, Germi Branch, Germi, Iran


Dual narrow notch bands, FDTD analysis, microstrip antenna, UWB applications


In this manuscript, a novel design of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) monopole antenna with dual narrow band-stop performance is proposed. In this design, by using inverted T-shaped slit and T-shaped parasitic structure in the ground plane, additional resonances are excited and much wider impedance bandwidth can be produced; especially at the higher band. In order to generate single and dual band-notched characteristics, we use a pair of protruded E-shaped strips inside the square-ring radiating patch. The measured results reveal that the presented dual band-notched monopole antenna offers a very wide bandwidth form 3.01 GHz to 12.8 GHz with two narrow notched bands, covering 5.2/5.8 GHz to suppress interferences from Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) system. To verify the validation of proposed antenna, Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) analysis is investigated. Good return loss, antenna gain and radiation pattern characteristics are obtained in the frequency band of interest. The antenna imposes negligible effects on the transmitted pulses.




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General Submission