Computational Analysis for Miniaturization of Tapered Slot Antenna using Elliptical Conducting Loaded Strips
Antipodal Vivaldi antenna (AVA), Compact, Energy harvesting, Sub-GHz, Tapered slot antenna, ultra-wideband (UWB) applications, Vivaldiantenna摘要
In this paper, the computational analysis for miniaturization of antipodal Vivaldi antenna (AVA) by an additional single elliptical loaded strip (SELS) is presented. The performance of the miniaturized antenna is evaluated by finite difference time domain (FDTD) technique, while its performance is also verified by finite element method (FEM). The computational time and cost of the two techniques are also compared to highlight the significance of the most suitable technique for miniaturization of the wideband antenna. It achieves ultra-wideband performance with lower cutoff frequency at 0.668 GHz and 19.52 % size reduction with suitable gain performance. The proposed compact antenna exhibits good performance in the sub-GHz and ultra-wideband (UWB) frequency ranges, which makes it a suitable candidate for low power energy harvesting systems as well as for ultra-wideband applications.
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