Investigations on Corrugation Issues in SIW based Antipodal Linear Tapered Slot Antenna for Wireless Networks at 60 GHz


  • P. Shrivastava RADMIC, Department of Telecommunication Engineering SRM University, Chennai - 603203, India
  • D. Chandra RADMIC, Department of Telecommunication Engineering SRM University, Chennai - 603203, India
  • N. Tiwari RADMIC, Department of Telecommunication Engineering SRM University, Chennai - 603203, India
  • T. Rama Rao RADMIC, Department of Telecommunication Engineering SRM University, Chennai - 603203, India


ALTSA, c o r r u ga t i on, C S T M W S, front to back ratio, HFSS, MmW, SIW


In recent days, substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology is attracting a lot of interest in the development of millimeter-wave (MmW) based circuits due to its inherent advantages. Tapered slot antenna (TSA) with antipodal geometry is used to surmount the impedance matching constraint and to enhance electrical performance including gain, side lobes levels, and main beam pattern. This paper focuses on the design of antipodal linear tapered slot antenna (ALTSA) using SIW technique at 60 GHz for wireless local area network (WLAN) and wireless personal area network (WPAN) applications. The size of the proposed antenna is very compact (43.29 mm × 9.93 mm × 0.381 mm) and the substrate used is RT/ Duroid 5880. Corrugations have been investigated on both the edges to improve antenna gain, front-to-back ratio, and radiation patterns. Numerical simulations are performed using 3D-EM tools, high frequency structure simulator (HFSS) and CST microwave studio (CST MWS). The obtained results reveal that when corrugation is introduced in the antenna there is a significant improvement of 3 dB in gain, respectively. This study has been reported earlier in other frequency bands but rarely any literature has been reported of such development at 60 GHz.




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