Electromagnetic Analysis of a Novel Cylindrical Transverse-Flux Permanent-Magnet Linear Machine
Flux leakage, force density, linear machine, power factor, transverse flux摘要
Cylindrical transverse-flux permanentmagnet linear machine (TFPMLM) is a novel electric machine used for free piston energy converters. As the disadvantages of low power factor and complex manufacture exist in the conventional TFPMLM, this paper employs the staggered (not overlapped) stator teeth to reduce the flux leakage, and further increase the power factor and force density. In this paper the flux leakage and performances of two topologies are researched and compared. Then thorough analysis is made on axial 3-phase TFPMLM, which has great potential in force density and power factor. Thrust fluctuation, force density and power factor of the axial TFPMLM are analyzed. Moreover, the methods to improve force density and power factor are researched. Finally, a scheme with power factor up to 0.52, force density up to 2.17×105N/m3 is developed.
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