A New Model for the FDTD Analysis of Sub-Structures on Infinite Plates


  • Run Xiong National Key laboratory on Electromagnetic Environment and electro-optical Engineering PLA University of Science and Technology. Nanjing, 210007, Jiangsu, China
  • Bin Chen National Key laboratory on Electromagnetic Environment and electro-optical Engineering PLA University of Science and Technology. Nanjing, 210007, Jiangsu, China
  • Yun-Fei Mao National Key laboratory on Electromagnetic Environment and electro-optical Engineering PLA University of Science and Technology. Nanjing, 210007, Jiangsu, China , China Satellite Maritime Tracking and Control Department Yuan Wang III, Jiangyin 214400, China
  • Zhao-Yang Cai National Key laboratory on Electromagnetic Environment and electro-optical Engineering PLA University of Science and Technology. Nanjing, 210007, Jiangsu, China


Convolution PML (CPML), Finitedifference time-domain method (FDTD), Substructure, Total-field/scattered-field (TF/SF)


In this work, a new model has been proposed for the finite-difference time-domain analysis (FDTD) of sub-structure coupling problems. By stretching the total-field/scatteredfield (TF/SF) boundary and the perfect electric conductor (PEC) plane into the convolution PML (CPML) layers, the coupling of sub-structures loaded on infinite planes induced by plane waves can be simulated. The validity of the proposed model has been approved from the comparison of the results obtained from the proposed model with the analytical and the open region results. The CPML performances of this model are compared in different parameters, furthermore the optimal constructive parameters of the CPML have been chosen for the high-resolution simulation of the proposed model, which can help for development of optimal sub-structure coupling.




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