Combination of Asymptotic Phase Basis Functions and Matrix Interpolation Method for Fast Analysis of Monostatic RCS


  • Yuejin Zhang School of Information Engineering East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, 330013, China
  • Dechang Huang School of Information Engineering East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, 330013, China
  • Jiaqi Chen College of Computer and Information Hohai University, Nanjing, 210098, China


Interpolation, linear phase basis function, preconditioning technique, monostatic RCS, electromagnetic scattering


The combination of asymptotic phase basis functions and matrix impedance method is proposed and used for fast computation of monostatic scattering from electrically large object. Since asymptotic phase (AP) basis function can be defined on large patches, less number of unknowns is required than that when using traditional Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) vector basis function. In order to efficiently compute electromagnetic scattering, the flexible general minimal residual (FGMRES) iterative solver is applied to compute the coefficients of the basis functions and the sparse approximate inversion (SAI) preconditioning technique is used to accelerate the iterative solver. However, the impedance matrix varies with incident angles, resulting in significant computation time cost for construction of impedance and SAI preconditioning matrices. This difficulty can be alleviated by using the model-based parameter estimation (MBPE) technique. Both the impedance and SAI preconditioning matrices are interpolated at intermediate angles over a relatively large angular band with rational function interpolation method. Numerical results demonstrate that this method is efficient for monostatic RCS calculation with high accuracy.




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