Compact High Gain Multiband Antenna Based on Split Ring Resonator and Inverted F Slots for 5G Industry Applications
Fifth generation (5G), inverted F-slot, Split Ring Resonator (SRR), stub matching摘要
This paper presents the design, optimization, fabrication, and measurement of the compact high gain microstrip antenna with a split ring resonator and set of inverted-F slots along with a matching stub for sub-6 GHz5G applications. In this investigation, different iterations are visualized by incorporating inverted F slots, a split ring resonator, and a matching stub in the transmission line. The advantages of each incorporated structure are analyzed, and a hybrid antenna consisting of the combination is proposed as a final antenna configuration with the optimum results. The proposed final design attains compactness and multi-band operation. Impedance matching is improved by using the stub matched technique at the feed line. The designed antenna shows the resonances at precisely 2.1 GHz, 3.3 GHz, and 4.1GHz. The proposed antenna is suitable for mobile cellular communication such as the LTE band (2.1 GHz), n78 band (3.3 GHz), and n77 band (4.1 GHz) of 5G bands. The gain retrieved from each band attains more than 5 dB value.
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