Size-Reduced Equilateral Triangular Metamaterial Patch Antenna Designed for Mobile Communications
Equilateral triangular patch antenna, metamaterials, size-reduced摘要
A size-reduced equilateral triangular metamaterial patch antenna (ETMPA) is proposed for the 5G mobile communications. The new ETMPA is formed from a conventional equilateral triangular patch antenna (ETPA) by additionally loading triangular-shaped mushroom metamaterials. One ETMPA is experimentally demonstrated. It is shown to resonate at 3.488GHz. The side length is only 0.483λg, which is much smaller than that for a conventional ETPA with a length of 0.66λg. Despite its compactness, the ETMPA has an acceptable bandwidth of 2.1% and antenna gain of 6.3dBi in measurement. These performances make the compact ETMPA proposing to be used in the wireless communications at 3.5GHz.
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