Fast Analysis of Broadband Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristics of Electrically Large Targets using Precorrected Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm based on Near Field Matrix Interpolation Method
Broadband electromagnetic scattering, interpolation technique, near matrix, P-FFT摘要
In this paper, a new method is proposed to analyze the broadband electromagnetic characteristics of electrically large targets by combining the precorrected- FFT algorithm (P-FFT) with the near-field matrix interpolation technique. The proposed method uses the precorrected-FFT algorithm to reduce the storage and accelerate the matrix vector product of the far field. In order to make the precorrected-FFT algorithm can calculate the broadband characteristics of electrically large targets more quickly, the matrix interpolation method is used to interpolate the near-field matrix of the precorrected-FFT algorithm to improve the efficiency of calculation. The numerical results obtained validate the proposed method and its implementation in terms of accuracy and runtime performance.
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