Switched Beam Antenna System for V2V Communication in 5G Applications


  • Allam M. Ameen 1.Electronics and Communication Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo 11566, Egypt, 2.Microstrip Department, Electronics Research Institute, New Nozha, Cairo 11843, Egypt
  • Mohamed I. Ahmed Microstrip Department, Electronics Research Institute, New Nozha, Cairo 11843, Egypt
  • Hala Elsadek Microstrip Department, Electronics Research Institute, New Nozha, Cairo 11843, Egypt
  • Wagdy R. Anis Electronics and Communication Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo 11566, Egypt




Vivaldi antenna, ITS, Vehicle to Vehicle communication, switched beam antenna, 5G applications


In this paper, a switched beam antenna system consists of four Vivaldi antennas for vehicle-to-vehicle communication is presented. The proposed design is realized on a substrate material of “Rogers 5880” with εr=2.2,tanδ=0.002,andεr=2.2,tan⁢δ=0.002,and0.508-mm substrate thickness. The antenna is designed to operate at a center frequency of 28 GHz with operating bandwidth of 1.463 GHz. An overall realized gain of 9.78 dBi is achieved at the intended center frequency. The proposed antenna is designed and simulated using CSTMWS. It is also fabricated using photolithography techniques and measured using R&S vector network analyzer. Good agreement is obtained between both CSTMWS and measured results.




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