Optimization of Reception Antenna Composed with Unbalanced Fed Inverted L Element for Digital Terrestrial Television


  • Daisuke Yagyu Information Media Center Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, 852-8521, Japan
  • Mitsuo Taguchi Division of Electrical Eng. & Computer Science, Graduate School of Engineering Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, 852-8521, Japan


Inverted L antenna, PSO, reception antenna, WIPL-D


The structure of the array antenna for the reception antenna of the digital terrestrial television broadcasting in Japan is optimized by PSO algorithm. The unbalanced fed ultra low profile inverted L antenna is used as the driven element and two wires are located at the forward and backward directions of the driven element. In the case of antenna size of 170 mm by 325 mm by 29 mm, the return loss bandwidth less than -10 dB is satisfied at the whole broadcasting frequency band (240 MHz) and the directivity of 5.44 dBi to 7.19 dBi is obtained. In the numerical analysis, the electromagnetic simulator WIPL-D based on the method of moment is used.




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