Convolutional Neural Network for Coupling Matrix Extraction of Microwave Filters
Convolutional neural network, coupling matrix, deep learning, microwave filters, parameters extraction摘要
Tuning a microwave filter is a challenging problem due to its complexity. Extracting coupling matrix from given S-parameters is essential for ?lter tuning and design. In this paper, a deep-learning-based neural network namely, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed to extract coupling matrix from S-parameters of microwave filters. The training of the proposed CNN is based on a circuit model. In order to exhibit the robustness of the new technique, it is applied on 5- and 8-pole filters and compared with a shallow neural network namely, radial basis function neural network (RBFNN). The results reveal that the CNN can extract the coupling matrix of target S-parameters with high accuracy and speed.
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