Multiple Frequencies Five-Port Reflectometer (FPR) for Pure and Adulterated Honeys
honey, reflectometer, dielectric, reflection, sensor摘要
Honey adulteration is one of the major health concerns among honey consumers, it is essential to inspect the quality of honey. One of the methods is to characterize the honey by using the microwave reflection technique. A Five-Port Reflectometer (FPR) is proposed in this work. The microstrip Five-Port ring junction circuit was designed for multiple frequencies of 0.60 GHz, 2.28 GHz, and 3.47 GHz. The fabricated circuit works with an analogue-digital converter, open-ended coaxial sensor, diode detectors and computer to form a complete FPR measurement system. The reflection measurements were conducted on Honey Gold and Trigona Honey for multiple frequencies. The performance of the FPR in s-parameter measurement was verified by Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). This study shown that the performance of FPR in term of reflection measurement has promising accuracy which is comparable with VNA. The FPR can be used as an alternative instrumentation system for characterizing pure and adulterated honey.
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