A Novel Comb-line Leaky-wave Antenna for 77 GHz FMCW Automotive Radar System and Comparison with Buttler Beamformers


  • Masoud Sarabi Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, 49931 USA
  • Warren F. Perger Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, 49931 USA




buttler beamforming network, frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW), inset-fed patch antenna array, leaky-wave antenna (LWA), multi-target detection


For a typical frequency modulated continuous wave automotive radar system, a design using a novel leaky-wave antenna is proposed that has a simple, cheap and easy manufacturing structure whose performance is compared with two different antenna arrays. The software used were MATLAB and CST Microwave Studio. The first antenna system was an inset-fed patch array, and the second antenna system was a circular patch array with a Buttler beamforming network as a beam scanning mechanism. The simulation results of the three proposed designs are obtained using the range-Doppler method for multi-target scenarios. The proposed leaky-wave antenna excels the antenna arrays, which offer cheaper and simpler solutions for the automotive industry.





Masoud Sara has received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Michigan Tech university in 2021. His research interests are antenna design for biomedical hyperthermia, beamformers, and FMCW radar systems for road safety applications.


Warren F. Perger is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Michigan Tech university and has been a faculty member since 1987.



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