Transient Analysis of Thin-Wire Antennas over Debye Media


  • Mario F. Pantoja Departamento de Electromagnetismo Universidad de Granada, Granada, 18071, Spain
  • Amelia R. Bretones Departamento de Electromagnetismo Universidad de Granada, Granada, 18071, Spain
  • Salvador G. García Departamento de Electromagnetismo Universidad de Granada, Granada, 18071, Spain
  • Rafael G. Martín Departamento de Electromagnetismo Universidad de Granada, Granada, 18071, Spain
  • X. Lucas Travassos Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering SENAI CIMATEC - Integrated Center of Manufacturing and Technology, Bahia, 41650-010, Brazil


Transient Analysis of Thin-Wire Antennas over Debye Media


This paper presents a numerical procedure to calculate the time-domain response of thin-wire antennas over Debye media. The method is based in an expansion of the electricfield integral-equation in the time-domain (EFIETD), which accounts for the Debye media by using a reflection-coefficient approach. Resulting extended integral equation is subsequently solved by the method of moments. Numerical examples including Debye soils show not only the accuracy of the method but also a higher computational efficiency in comparison with other hybrid numerical techniques.




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