Dipole Antenna Miniaturization using Single-Cell Metamaterial
Dipole Antenna Miniaturization using Single-Cell Metamaterial摘要
Miniaturized printed dipole antenna loaded with reactive elements is proposed. The reactive loading of the dipole is inspired by the epsilon-negative (ENG) and double negative (DNG) metamaterial (MTM) inclusions, which enable the loaded dipole to be compacted. The reactive loads are realized by two rake-shaped split ring resonators (SRRs) facing each other. Investigations reveal that the loaded dipole radiates at two separated bands depending on load locations. The new resonance frequencies are lower than the natural resonance frequency of the conventional half wavelength dipole. In this range of frequencies, the radiation efficiency of the composite antenna is high. In order to validate the simulation results, a prototype of the proposed printed dipole is fabricated and tested. The agreement between the simulated and measured results is quite good.
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