Diffraction of Obliquely Incident Plane Waves by an Impedance Wedge with Surface Impedances Being Equal to the Intrinsic Impedance of the Medium


  • Turgut İkiz Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering University of Cukurova, Adana, 01330, Turkey
  • Mustafa K. Zateroğlu Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering University of Cukurova, Adana, 01330, Turkey


Diffraction of Obliquely Incident Plane Waves by an Impedance Wedge with Surface Impedances Being Equal to the Intrinsic Impedance of the Medium


Diffraction of plane waves by an impedance wedge with surface impedances equal to the intrinsic impedance of surrounding medium is investigated for oblique incidence case. In the oblique incidence case, the scattering problem cannot be solved explicitly because of the resultant coupled system of functional equations unless the system is decoupled. Therefore under the assumed condition on wedge impedance, these functional equations are decoupled and the expression for the diffraction coefficient is derived as well as the diffracted fields.




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