A Low-profile Wideband PIFA with Co-design of Ground Plane for WLAN Applications
low-profile, multi-resonant modes, planar inverted-F antenna, wideband摘要
In this paper, a novel low-profile wideband planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) with co-design of the ground plane for WLAN applications and IoV applications is proposed. This antenna consists of three parts: a slotted radiating patch, a vertical shorting plate and a ground plane with a cross-shaped slot. The influence and the parameter of the slot are discussed. The antenna is fed by a 50 Ω coaxial line and a shorting pin is also used in this design. The overall size of the antenna is 30×44×3.5 mm3. The whole structure is simulated in ANSYS Electronics Desktop 2018.0 and several prototypes are made to verify the simulation results. The bandwidth of the antenna can reach 3.96 GHz (−10 dB) and cover the frequency range of 5.64−9.6 GHz. The max gain of the antenna is 5.4 dBi.
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