Efficient Direct Solution of EFIE for Electrically Large Scattering Problems using H-LDLT and PE Basis Function
Efficient Direct Solution of EFIE for Electrically Large Scattering Problems using H-LDLT and PE Basis Function摘要
Method of moments (MoM) solution of the electric field integral equations (EFIE) encounters the large memory requirements and the slow convergence rate of the iterative solver. A direct method based on hierarchical (H-) matrix algorithm and phase extracted (PE) basis function is proposed to overcome these obstacles. A recompressed adaptive cross approximation (ACA) technique is employed to generate a datasparse representation of the dense EFIE system matrix, i.e., so-called H-matrix. H-matrix formatted LDLT-decomposition (H-LDLT) can be implemented in nearly optimal complexity, which provides an efficient way for the direct solution of EFIE. PE basis function, containing the propagating wave phase factor and defined on large patches, is introduced to further reduce the computational costs. Numerical results demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method for electrically large scattering problems.
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