A Novel Approach for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Field with Rotating Body
A Novel Approach for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Field with Rotating Body摘要
In this paper, a novel approach which combines the FDTD method with overset grid generation method is proposed for the analysis of the EM field with rotating body. The analysis is carried out together with the Lorentz transformation to comprise with the higher velocity cases. To apply the Lorentz transformation to the FDTD method, at least two frames are required, and we primitively modelled it with the overset grid generation method. With the Lorentz transformation, the time component changes at each of the grid point. The time component that has been changed by Lorentz transformation must be fixed as the numerical procedure. Through the interpolation technique, it is possible to fix the time component easily. We have previously proposed this novel approach for a stationary and uniformly moving body. Here, this analysis is further expanded and has included a more detailed discussion of the EM field interactions in a rotating environment. The numerical results show the characteristics of the EM field when the incident wave strikes the rotating body. For validation, the numerical results are compared with the theoretical results, and good agreements were obtained. The proposed novel approach has shown its consistency over higher relative velocity cases.
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