Perforated Dielectric Resonator Antenna Reflectarray


  • S. H. Zainud- Deen Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Menoufia University, Meouf, Egypt
  • K. H. Awadalla Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Menoufia University, Meouf, Egypt
  • S. M. Gaber Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Higher Cairo Institute for Engineering, Egypt
  • A. M. Abd- Elhady Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Benha University, Egypt
  • A. A. Kishk Department of Electrical Engineering University of Mississippi, USA


Perforated Dielectric Resonator Antenna Reflectarray


A wideband perforated rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (RDRA) reflectarray is presented. The arrays of RDRA are formed from one piece of materials. Air-filled holes are drilled into the material around the RDRA. This technique of fabricating RDRA reflectarray using perforations eliminates the need to position and bond individual elements in the reflectarray and makes the fabrication of the RDRA reflectarray feasible. The ground plane below the reflectarray elements is folded as a rectangular concave surface so that an air-gap is formed between the RDRA elements and the ground plane in order to increase the bandwidth. Full-wave analysis using the finite integration technique is applied. Three cases are studied. In the first one, the horn antenna is placed at the focal point to illuminate the reflectarray and the main beam in the broadside direction. In the second one, the horn antenna is placed at the focal point and the main beam at ±30 degrees off broadside direction. In the third one, an offset feed RDRA reflectarray is considered. A variable length RDRA provides the required phase shift at each cell on the reflectarray surface. The normalized gain patterns, the frequency bandwidth, and the aperture efficiency for the above cases are calculated.




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Fig. 16. (a) Offset feed broadside reflectarray

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y z



Fig. 17. Normalized gain patterns at 12GHz for

×23 broadside RDRA reflectarray.

-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180180





Elevation angle (degrees)

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H- plane at Φ = 0 o

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5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14




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