A Summary Review on 25 Years of Progress and Future Challenges in FDTD and FETD Techniques
A Summary Review on 25 Years of Progress and Future Challenges in FDTD and FETD Techniques摘要
The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method has established itself among the most popular methods for the numerical solution of Maxwell equations. Reasons for its popularity include its versatility, matrix-free characteristic, ease for parallelization, and low computational complexity. In recent years, the finite-element time-domain (FETD) has also become another very popular algorithm for solving time-domain Maxwell equations due to its geometrical flexibility and the steady growth in hardware computing power. In this review, we succinctly recollect some of the milestones in the development of FDTD and FETD over the last 25 years, and briefly discuss some challenges for the future development of these two algorithms.
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