Modeling Large Phased Array Antennas Using the Finite Difference Time Domain Method and the Characteristic Basis Function Approach


  • Nader Farahat Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico P.O. box 192017 San Juan, PR 00919
  • Raj Mittra The Pennsylvania State University, 319 EE East University Park, PA, 16802, USA
  • Neng-Tien Huang The Pennsylvania State University, 319 EE East University Park, PA, 16802, USA


Modeling Large Phased Array Antennas Using the Finite Difference Time Domain Method and the Characteristic Basis Function Approach


In this paper we describe an approach for solving large phased array problems, using the Characteristic Basis Function Method (CBFM) in conjunction with the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) technique. The method is especially tailored for solving large arrays that may be covered with Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSSs). Several illustrative examples are provided and the results are validated for a number of test cases. This is accomplished by comparing the results derived by using the proposed technique with those obtained via a direct simulation of the entire array on a PC cluster. Of course, the direct problem places a heavy demand on the computer resources, especially as the problem size becomes large. In contrast to the direct method, the increases in the simulation time and the burden on the computer memory are incrementally small in the present approach, as the problem size is increased from moderate to large.




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