The Complementary Roles of Analysis, Synthesis, Numerics, and Experiment in Electromagnetics
The Complementary Roles of Analysis, Synthesis, Numerics, and Experiment in Electromagnetics摘要
The electromagnetic enterprise is now over
a century old. In the modern world it has expanded in
various directions. This paper summarizes
electromagnetics under four headings: analysis,
synthesis, numerics, and experiment. Each area is
important, as are the relations between the areas.
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; in P.D. Smith et al (eds.), Ultra-Wideband,
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C. E. Baum, “Electromagnetic Sensors and
Measurement Techniques,” in J. E. Thompson and
L. H. Luessen (eds.), Fast Electrical and Optical
Measurements, Martinus Nijhoff (Kluwer), pp.
-144, 1986.
J. D. Krauss, Antennas, McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed.,
W. R. Smythe, Static and Dynamic Electricity,
rd Ed., Hemisphere Taylor and Francis, 1989.
R. E. Collin, Field Theory of Guided Waves,
IEEE Press, Oxford University Press, 1991.
C. E. Baum and A. P. Stone, Transient Lens
Synthesis: Differential Geometry in
Electromagnetic Theory, Hemisphere Taylor and
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R. S. Elliott, Electromagnetics: History, Theory,
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Y. Ramat-Samii, “Modern Concepts in Analysis,
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C. E. Baum, and H. N. Kritikos, “Symmetry in
Electromagnetics,” ch. 1, in C. E. Baum and H. N.
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Taylor and Francis, pp. 1-90, 1995.
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Based Modeling of Very Large Systems,” in J.
Hamelin (ed.), Modern Radio Science 1996,
Oxford University Press, pp. 151-177, 1996.
C. E. Baum, E. G. Farr, and D. V. Giri, “Review
of Impulse-Radiating Antennas,” in W. R. Stone
(ed.), Review of Radio Science 1996-1999,
Oxford University Press, pp 403-439, 1999.
J. Van Bladel, “From Maxwell to Einstein,” in P.
D. Smith et al (eds.), Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse
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, 2002.
C. E. Baum, T. K. Liu, and F. M. Tesche, “On the
Analysis of General Multiconductor
Transmission-Line Networks,” Interaction Note
, November 1978; also in C. E. Baum,
“Electromagnetic Topology for the Analysis and
Design of Complex Electromagnetic Systems”, in
J. E. Thompson and L. H. Luessen, Fast Electrical
and Optical Measurements, Martinus Nijhoff,
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; Proc. 14th EMC Symposium, Zurich, pp.
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Propagation and Coupling Effects in the BLT
Equation,” December 2003.