Analysis of Band-Pass Filter Characteristics in a Ferrite Device with Carbon Nanotube Electrodes


  • Toshihito Umegaki Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Kobe University Kobe City, 657-8501, Japan
  • Matsuto Ogawa Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Kobe University Kobe City, 657-8501, Japan
  • Tanroku Miyoshi Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Kobe University Kobe City, 657-8501, Japan


Analysis of Band-Pass Filter Characteristics in a Ferrite Device with Carbon Nanotube Electrodes


We have studied magnetostatic waves excited
and received by carbon nanotubes in the
high-frequency band-pass filter on yttrium iron
garnet (YIG). First, we have analyzed dispersion
curves of magnetostatic waves in YIG based upon
the magnetostatic approximation method. We have
studied the characteristics of the band-pass filter
where the high-frequency current flowing on
single-wall CNTs may excite and receive directly
magnetostatic waves in the ferrite film beneath
them. Next, we have studied the device where the
current is flowing on bundle CNTs. It is found that
band-pass filter characteristics, such as the insertion
loss (IL), the center frequency (f0), and bandwidth
(BW) are significantly controlled by both the
chirality of the CNTs and the numbers of CNTs in
the bundle CNTs. On these results, we have
proposed a novel ferrite device which may work to
discriminate the chirality of CNTs and the numbers
of CNTs in a bundle CNT. In this device, the
chirality or the number of CNTs in a bundle CNT
may be measured by means of the band-pass
characteristics via the wavelength of the operating
magnetostatic waves.




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