Bistatic Scatterer And Antenna Imaging
Bistatic Scatterer And Antenna Imaging摘要
Two computing techniques to create an image of the radiating centres on an antenna or scatterer using Fourier optics is presented
"Bistatic k-Space Imaging for Electromagnetic Prediction Codes
for Scattering and Antennas", John F. Shaeffer, Kam W. Hom,
Craig Baucke, Brett A. Cooper, and Noel A. Talcott, Jr. NASA
Technical Paper 3569 (1996).
High Resolution Radar Imaging, Dean L. Mensa, Artech House
Inc., 1981. Describes a related technique to BSKS imaging.
"Introduction to Fourier Optics", by Joseph W. Goodman,
McGraw Hill, 1968. Chapters 2 & 3.
"Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC) – Method of
Moments", Naval Electronic Systems Command Technical
Document 116, Part III Users Guide, GJ Burke and AJ Poggio,
Subroutine FFT, multivariate complex Fourier transform,
computed in place using mixed-radix fast Fourier transform
algorithm. R. C. Singleton, Stanford Research Institute, Sept.