Accelerating Computations with a MoM-Based Computer Program


  • Markus Schick Institut fuer Hochfrequenztechnik, Universitaet Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany
  • Friedrich M. Landstorfer Institut fuer Hochfrequenztechnik, Universitaet Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany


Accelerating Computations with a MoM-Based Computer Program


Electromagnetic research often requires studies within wider frequency ranges. For achieving a fine resolution in the frequency domain, the required computation time is usually high. Here the MoM-based field computation program FEKO working in frequency domain is used for this purpose. In order to reduce the computational costs by minimizing the number of sampling points used, the interpolation algorithm MPBE (Model Based Parameter Estimation) is applied to achieve a mathematically based approximation of the problem. This paper presents the acceleration of computations with FEKO using the interpolation algorithm MBPE. A short introduction to FEKO is given at the beginning. Subsequently the implementation of MBPE as well as three possible adaptive strategies for further shortening the computation time is presented. Finally examples are given that show the advantages of this implemented method.




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