Efficient GRE Techniques for the Scattering of Three-Dimensional Arbitrarily Shaped Deep Cavities
Efficient GRE Techniques for the Scattering of Three-Dimensional Arbitrarily Shaped Deep Cavities摘要
An efficient implementation of the
Generalized Ray Expansion (GRE) method for
computing the scattering of three-dimensional (3-D)
arbitrarily shaped deep cavities is studied in this
paper. Efficiency is being sought from two aspects:
ray racing in discrete cavities and reflection from
individual patches. An improved algorithm for
detecting intersections between a ray and triangular
patches has been proposed, which is about 2.83
times faster than the traditional algorithm. Also,
sectional algorithm and Wavefront Advancing and
Candidate Narrowing (WACN) algorithm for
tracing rays inside 3-D cavities are proposed to
boost efficiency. As to reflection from individual
patches, different local cavity reconstruction
methods are being tested and interpolative
triangular patches are found to be an efficient
choice. Finally, several numerical examples further
demonstrate the versatility and validity of our
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