An Efficient Method for Predicting the Shielding Effectiveness of an Apertured Enclosure with an Interior Enclosure based on Electromagnetic Topology
Shielding effectiveness, aperture coupling, general Baum-Liu-Tesche equation摘要
A fast analytical method has been proposed for predicting the shielding effectiveness (SE) and resonances of an apertured enclosure with an interior enclosure. Under the concept of electromagnetic topology, the monitor point and the walls are treated as nodes, and the space between them is treated as tubes. The propagation relationships at tube level and reflection relationships at node level are derived as the propagation matrix. After modeling the front wall of the interior enclosure as a junction between two waveguides, an equivalent circuital model of the enclosures is derived. The front wall and the window structure in front of the adjacent space of the interior enclosure are considered as a three-port scattering matrix. Then we can use the extended BLT equations to calculate the voltage response at each node. Results from the proposed method are compared with those from the numerical method, and the results have a good agreement while it can dramatically save calculation time.
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