Super-Broadband Rectifier with Wide-band Resistance Compression Network and Harmonic Cycling for RF-Harvesting
bending technique, harmonic cycling, RF-harvest, super-Broadband rectifier, wide-band resistance compression technique摘要
In this paper, a super-broadband (SBB) rectifier using a wideband resistance compression network (WRCN) and harmonic cycling is proposed, simulated, fabricated, measured and analyzed in detail for the harvesting of ambient radio frequency (RF) energy. Meanwhile, impedance compression and matching are achieved to implement the SBB using WRCN and impedance operation networks. Additionally, harmonic cycling structure and bending technology are employed to improve the power conversion efficiency (PCE) and reduce the size, respectively. For demonstration, a prototype of the proposed rectifier is fabricated and measured. The measured results are in good accordance with the simulated ones, indicating that the rectifier can provide high efficiency and ultra-broadband rectification characteristics. A PCE over 50% is realized at 3.5 GHz with an input power range of 6–24 dBm, and a PCE of 75% is obtained at an input power of 18 dBm. The PCE is greater than 50% at 17 dBm with an input frequency of 2.7-4.6 GHz. This work can find significant applications in the development of RF-harvesting.
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