Uncertainty Quantification Method of Crosstalk Involving Braided-Shielded Cable
braided-shield cable, crosstalk uncertainty quantification, polynomial chaos expansions, Sobol’s global sensitivity analysis method摘要
In this paper, in view of the uncertainty of geometric parameters of braided-shielded cable and structural parameters of the shield in practical problems, polynomial chaos expansions (PCE) is used to explore the uncertainty quantification of a crosstalk calculation model of braided-shielded cable. First, the model based on multi-conductor transmission line theory is expanded by PCE. Second, the truncation degrees of polynomials and sample size of PCE are determined by the leave-one-out method, and the statistical characteristic parameters of crosstalk are obtained by combining coefficients of polynomials. Compared with the calculation results of the Monte Carlo method, the mean value, standard deviation and probability density function obtained by the two methods are basically consistent, but the PCE method has obvious advantages in calculation efficiency. Finally, the influence of input variable parameters in the crosstalk calculation model of braided-shielded cable are calculated by combining the PCE and the Sobol’s global sensitivity analysis method, which provides theoretical guidance for the electromagnetic compatibility design of electrical and electronic equipment using braided-shielded cable.
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