Fractal Interpolation Function based Thin Wire Antennas


  • Gizem Kalender The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, 35800, Turkey
  • Emine Yeşim Zoral Engineering Faculty, Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, 35800, Turkey
  • Serkan Günel Engineering Faculty, Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, 35800, Turkey



Fractal antenna, fractal interpolation functions, iterated function systems


This paper presents an approach for the design of wire antennas based on fractal interpolation functions (FIFs). The interpolation points and the contraction factors of the FIFs are chosen as free parameters to modify the antenna geometry. The proposed structures’ gain and radiation pattern can be optimized using FIF parameters. Producible prefractal antennas obtained in the intermediate iterations of fractal generation have compact sizes compared to classical counterparts. The error in prefractal geometry and the original fractal is bounded, and can be determined in terms of the finest producible detail’s dimensions. The emerging structures have multiband behavior due to their self-similar and symmetric nature. To illustrate the approach, we have provided finite element based simulations for several prefractal antennas. |S11|, the gain, the radiation efficiency, the radiation patterns, and feed point impedances for the demonstrated antennas are calculated numerically. The results indicate that produced antennas can be used in applications that require limited mechanical size, multiple operating bands, and controlled radiation patterns.





Gizem Kalender received a degree in electrical and electronics eng. from Çukurova University, Turkiye, in 2013 and her M.Sc. degree from Dokuz Eylül University in 2015. She is a Ph.D. candidate and holds a research assistant position at Dokuz Eylül University. Her main research interests are antennas, fractal theory, and metamaterials.


Emine Yeşim Zoral graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkiye, in 1990. She received the Ph.D. from the Illinois Inst. of Tech., Chicago, USA, in 1999, in electrical and electronics eng. She has been working as a professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Eng. at Dokuz Eylül University since 2000. Her main research interests are perturbation techniques in electromagnetic theory, microwave circuits, dielectric resonators, and antennas.


Serkan Günel completed his Ph.D. at Dokuz Eylül University, Inst. of Natural Sciences, Dept. of electrical and electronics eng., in 2006. His main research areas include nonlinear system analysis, information theory, and electromagnetic theory. His current research topics cover analysis of nonlinear dynamics via entropy measures, design of fractal antennas based on iterated function systems, analysis of resonant electromagnetic structures via perturbation of matrices, and the applications of cluster synchronization of chaotic systems. Currently, he is employed as an associate professor in Dokuz Eylül University.


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