Design of a Reconfigurable Band-notched Wideband Antenna using EBG Structures
Anti-interference, electromagnetic band-gap (EBG), PIN diodes, reconfigurable band notched antenna, WLAN摘要
A compact WLAN band-notched reconfigurable wideband antenna using two mushroom-like electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures is proposed in this paper. It is designed based on a dual wideband microstrip feed patch antenna with operating frequency bands of 2.2-3.7 GHz and 4.8-6 GHz. One of the EBG cells is positioned alongside the feed line, while the other EBG cell is laid on the back of the substrate. The patch or ground of the two EBG units are fed with a stronger current through a ground slot and a parasitic stub respectively, and the connections between the EBG structures and the antenna are controlled by loading a PIN diode with two 56 pF DC blocking capacitors. The advantage of this proposed design is that the antenna and the EBG unit can be designed independently. The proposed antenna has an overall size of 35×46×1.6 mm3. When testing the S11 of the antenna, the influence of the bias circuit on the antenna is also considered. The measured results show that the proposed antenna can generate two notched bands of 2.3-2.49 GHz and 5.11-5.51 GHz of WLAN, and the realized gain in the notch bands can be reduced to -2.65 dBi and -4.55 dBi, respectively, demonstrating its anti-interference characteristics, and can be applied in band notch broadband communication systems or anti-interference communication equipments such as unmanned aerial vehicles and radars.
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