Studying and Analysis of a Novel RK-Sinc Scheme
Convergence, dispersion, FDTD, Runge-Kutta, Sinc function, stability摘要
In this paper, a novel high-order method, Runge-Kutta Sinc (RK-Sinc), is proposed. The RK-Sinc scheme employs the strong stability preserving Runge- Kutta (SSP-RK) algorithm to substitute time derivative and the Sinc function to replace spatial derivates. The computational efficiency, numerical dispersion and convergence of the RK-Sinc algorithm are addressed. The proposed method presents the better numerical dispersion and the faster convergence rate both in time and space domain. It is found that the computational memory of the RK-Sinc is more than two times of the FDTD for the same stencil size. Compared with the conventional FDTD, the new scheme provides more accuracy and great potential in computational electromagnetic field.
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