Nonlinear Lorentz Model for Explicit Integration of Optical Nonlinearity in FDTD


  • Charles Varin Departement de Physique ´ Cegep de l’Outaouais ´ Gatineau (QC) J8Y 6M4, Canada
  • Rhys Emms Measurement Science and Standards National Research Council Canada Ottawa (On) K1A 0R6, Canada
  • Graeme Bart Department of Physics University of Ottawa Ottawa (ON) K1N 6N5, Canada
  • Thomas Fennel Institut fur Physik ¨ Universitat Rostock ¨ 18051 Rostock, Germany
  • Thomas Brabec Department of Physics University of Ottawa Ottawa (ON) K1N 6N5, Canada


FDTD modeling, nonlinear materials, photonics


Including optical nonlinearity in FDTD software in a stable, efficient, and rigorous way can be challenging. Traditional methods address this challenge by solving an implicit form of Maxwell’s equations iteratively. Reaching numerical convergence over the entire numerical space at each time step demands significant computational resources, which can be a limiting factor for the modeling of large-scale three-dimensional nonlinear optics problems (complex photonics devices, laser filamentation, ...). Recently, we proposed an explicit methodology based on a nonlinear generalization of the Lorentz dispersion model and developed example cases where it was used to account for both linear and nonlinear optical effects. An overview of this work is proposed here.




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