Generation of Radiation Patterns Equivalent to In-Flight Measurements
Great circle, in-flight measurements, radiation pattern, WIPL-D摘要
Comparison of in-situ measured antenna radiation patterns (RPs) to modeled ones is vital for validation of both. Inflight measured RPs do not always produce a standard conic or elevation cut (constant θ or ϕ angle, respectively), but rather Great Circle (GC) cuts at the aircraft bank angle of interest. WIPL-D’s post-processing routines, on the other hand, do not produce GC cuts in normal setups. A manipulation of the aircraft orientation in xyz-coordinates is required to accomplish this task. Under standard conditions in WIPL-D, the fuselage is positioned parallel to the x-axis and the wings parallel to the y-axis. A model rotation of 90° with respect to the y-axis allows for the generation of GC cuts, where θ and ϕ swap roles. This makes comparison between in-flight measurements and computed data cumbersome. This paper investigates several options to produce non-standard RPs in WIPL-D and MATLAB (using WIPL-D results) that are equivalent to those of in-flight measurements.
G. Strang, Linear Algebra and its Applications. 4th Edition, Belmont, CA: Thompson Corporation, 2006, pp. 130-132.
WIPL-D Pro, Software and User’s Manual, WIPL-D d.o.o., Belgrade, Serbia 2019.