Omega-Shaped Tag Antenna with Inductively-Coupled Feeding Using U-Shaped Stepped-Impedance Resonators for RFID Applications


  • Adam R. H. Alhawari Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Najran University, Najran, Saudi Arabia
  • A. H. M. Almawgani Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Najran University, Najran, Saudi Arabia
  • Hisham Alghamdi Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Najran University, Najran, Saudi Arabia
  • Ayman T. Hindi Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Najran University, Najran, Saudi Arabia
  • Tale Saeidi Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia
  • Alyani Ismail Wireless and Photonic Network Research Center, Department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia


Inductively-coupled feed, omega-shape, Radio Frequency Ddentification (RFID), RFID tag, stepped-impedance resonator


This study proposes a new omega-shaped tag antenna with inductively-coupled feeding (ICF) using U-shaped stepped- impedance resonators (SIRs). It aims at improving the performance of the tag antennas for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) applications. The radiating body of the antenna is fed using two mirroring symmetrical U-shaped SIRs. This antenna is a simpler alternative for the existing antennas that match the impedance of the antenna to the chip impedance effectively applying varied reinforcement of the equivalent inductance of the radiating structure. In addition to the use of an omega-shaped structure, the proposed feeding technique boosts performance of the antenna impedance, dimensions, and peak gain. The measured size of the antenna was 50×55.55×1.6 mm3. It attains a peak gain of 1.8 dBi and radiation efficiency higher than 85% at its operating frequency. The experimental results revealed that this tag antenna has the characteristic of good impedance matching within the frequency range of 900-940 MHz, corresponding to a better power reflection coefficient of -3 dB. Comparison between the measured and simulated results verified that the proposed feeding method is capable to improve overall performance of RFID tag antennas.





Adam R. H. Alhawari was born in Irbid, Jordan. In 2003, he was awarded a B.Sc. degree in Communication Engineering by Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology at Yarmouk University, Jordan. He obtained both postgraduate degree of M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in 2009 and 2012, respectively, in Wireless Communications Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Previously, he started the entry level with the post of Senior Lecturer in Universiti Putra Malaysia from 2012 to 2015. Currently, he was promoted to the Associate Professorship in the Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Najran University, Saudi Arabia. His main research interests are microstrip filters, metamaterial antennas, and RFID.


A. H. M. Almawgani was born in Ibb, Yemen, in 1979. He received the B.Sc. degree in Information Engineering from the College of Engineering in Baghdad University in 2003. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronic Systems Design Engineering and Communication Engineering from Universiti Sains Malaysia, in 2008 and 2011, respectively. He was an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Sana'a, Yemen, until February 2014. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Najran University, Saudi Arabia. His main research interests are signal-processing algorithms with application to telecommunications and wireless communication networks.


Hisham Alghamdi received his M.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, in 2010 and his Ph.D. from University of Southampton 2016, respectively. Currently, he is working as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Najran University, Saudi Arabia. His main research areas are in solar energy, building energy technologies and systems, energy efficiency, sustainable and resilient cities, smart grids and energy and environment policies.


Ayman T. Hindi received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Vinnitsa Technical University in 1995 and Ph.D. degree in Power Systems Engineering from Vinnitsa Technical University in 2004. Currently he is an Assistant Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department, Najran University, Saudi Arabia. His main research interests include compensation of reactive power energy and consumption in electric installation and systems.


Tale Saeidi was born in Mashhad, Iran in 1985. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Telecommunication and Electrical Engineering from Khayam University of Mashhad, Iran in 2009 and he completed his Masters in Wireless Communication Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2015. Currently, he is working as a Graduate Assistant in Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia. His research interest includes dielectric measurement of MW absorber materials, microstrip antenna design for MW, mm-wave and THz frequency bands. Furthermore, metamaterial array UWB antennas in MW and UWB imaging.


Alyani Ismail received her Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Information Systems Engineering from the University of Huddersfield, UK. She obtained her M.Sc. in Computer, Communication and Human-Centered Systems from the University of Birmingham, UK and Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering also from the University of Birmingham. She is currently a Professor at the Department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Alyani's research interests are in the area of Communication Engineering, Wireless Sensors and antenna systems.


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