Integrated Simulation and Analysis of Super Large Slotted Waveguide Array
BDPLU algorithm, higher-order MoM, parallel algorithm, slotted waveguide array antenna, wave port摘要
Aiming at the simulation problem of the super large slotted waveguide array antenna, the parallel higher-order method of moment is used and the coupling effect between each slot element is taken into account to perform the integrated and accurate simulation. In order to ensure that the algorithm is efficient and stable in the parallel process, the BDPLU strategy is introduced to reduce the communication pressure and eliminates the redundant communication of the equation solving when pivoting, which speeds up the process of matrix equation solving. According to different types of waveguide port forms, the computation of rectangular wave port and coaxial wave port is studied, and a new parallel matrix filling technique of wave port is used to accelerate the matrix filling process. Numerical examples calculated at "Tianhe-2" supercomputer show that the algorithm can efficiently and accurately handle the simulation analysis of most types of complex slotted waveguide array.
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