An FDTD TF-SF Boundary on Face-Centered Cubic Grids
Face-centered cubic grids, finitedifference time-domain method, total-field/scatteredfield boundary摘要
The implementation of total-field/scatteredfield (TF-SF) boundary for finite-difference timedomain (FDTD) method was proposed based on facecentered cubic (FCC) grids. On the basis of the arrangement of fields components in the FCC voxel, the update equations for the electric and magnetic field components of the TF-SF boundary are derived. The resonant frequency of a cavity is calculated to illustrate that the FCC grid scheme is more accurate as compared to the equivalent Yee grid method. Then, by simulating the amplitude distribution of the vertical and oblique incident plane waves in the whole calculation region, the effectiveness of the TF-SF boundary is verified numerically.
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